"Uber" Architecture

We are here to change your personal mobility.
Moving to another city or country has never been easy like that before.
Uber Architecture
Our house should be maximally transformable and movable, depending on our even most immediate needs for work and rest, to be maximally integrated into any landscape.
Each city could have a transformable modular system allowing one to easily remove one of the cells from it and move it anywhere in the world.
You just need to call a helicopter from a special service, like Uber or Yandex. One click in a mobile app that can offer the best location, based on the preferences of the user - profession, interests, financial situation.
The cell is transformable, with adjustable partitions . All internal and external surfaces are sensory for the possibility of changing the interior to the mood of the host, as well as projecting images and textures to external panels to fit the cell in the surrounding landscape.
The architect in this case acts as an app developer, improving the details of the service, changing the possible combinations and types of cells, examining the demand and needs of people.
Our philosophy
Fast moving world
Internet, cloud services, new info and technologies effect our life. We need to be flexible and mobile
Active generation X and Y
New generations want to have their own buisinesses, be indipendant, invest money in travelling and education and not cars and houses
Work and live anywhere you want
We don't have to go to office anymore. We can work anywhere we want ( cafe, park etc.). And we can leave anywhere we want
Move your house with you
Moving to anothere city or country is difficult because of the housing question. So, let's move our house with us!
How it works
Use your App to choose the best additional elements for your basic cell
Use your App to find the best place to live
Use your App to call a helicopter and move whereever you want
Basic cell
You can buy a basic cell
Basic cell, white color, 3*6 m
Basic cell has toilette and kitchenette.
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Additions can make your cell suitable for all your needs and for all your surroundings
Energy kit
Solar panels, small nuclear power generator, recuperating air system, water reuse system

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Media-panels for indoor and outdoor facade

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In-built furniture
In-built bed, shelfs, audio and video systems, kitchenware

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Moveable partitions
Moveable and sliding partitions

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The App
Use your App to order a helicopter, locate a new place to live, check- in and much much more.
What can your App do?
Moving around has never been easy like now. We allready order food, clothes, taxi through different Apps. To move your sell around just press the button in your App. Easy just like Uber Taxi.

The App will not only order you a helicopter, but also suggest the best location to move to, according to your budget, preferences, personality and also events, availible jobs, environment and much much more around you.

And if you need to go abroud- your App will be your pass. You can check-in right on board of a helicopter on on one of numerous transport hubs around the world.
Decide together what you want to see in your living structure. Vote. Buy.
You're the host.
Sharing is an important part of community life in Uber Architecture. Every person should feel that he is a part of society. Together we can do more. A world is a lot more comfortable, when you decide what is going to be around you and it is not an up- bottom effect.
Share your opinion
In Uber Architecture Community citizens can together decide, what services and public places should move to their building/territory of the building, according to their preferences ( ex. everyone likes sport and would like to have a fitness club) or needs (ex. there are a lot of children in the building in need of kindergarten).
Share your skills
And if you yourself have skills needed by the community- go on and offer them. And if you feel that your knoledge and profession is more popular somewhere else- consult your App and go with your cell to some other place.
Share your energy
If your cell has accumulated extra energy, you can offer or cell it to other participants of the project. Let/s make our world more sustainable!

City structures have all the services needed by the cells.

Moving around with your own cell is more economically convinient then buying new flat/house, renting or living in a hotel.
Optimised expences
Every time you move to another city or country you've got a whole scope of arrangemends/payments you have to make. Starting from organizing shipment of your goods (which is not cheap and also not 100% easy) and ending at finding new home and paying monthly rent. (which is even more difficult and expensive).
And this story goes round and round whenever and whereever you move the next time.

With UberArchitecture you've got everything cheaper and a lot more organized:
- most needed arrangements are at a lower price as a subscription in your App.
- you pay for your house and it's furniture only once - and then you don't need to care about the rent or goods shipment.
Check out the economics table on one of the slides - every next move to another city gets cheaper and cheaper in time.

This all is more then real, as helicopter rides will also get cheaper in the future. Initially, Uber says that uberAIR will get to $0.44 per passenger mile.

So, get ready to move!

Having your buisiness in a movable cell is a convinient solution.

Move your buisiness with you
Move your buisiness where you are needed
Making your buisiness have never been easy like that. Now you don't have to deal with difficult logistics and geo-marketing. Use your App to find out the best location for your buiseness, based on information on possible users interests and needs. Then order movement of you shop/office/restaurant/multi-functional etc. cell to that place without worrying about goods shipment, packing and repacking.
Adopt your buisiness design
You can order different packagees for your shop/office/restaurant/multi-functional etc. with special furniture, devices or infografics. And if you wish your cell interior or exterior to fit the surroundings or on the contrary to outline your unique style - just use our special interior and facade panels. You can even easily start a new buisiness on base of your cell (change function from library to a cafe - whatever you wish). Just order the new elements.
Grow when it is needed
If your buisiness grows - you don't have to hunt for a new space. Just add new cell/cells to yours. Combine them as you need.

Order everything you need at high speed
Have services whereever you are
No matter where you are - on top of the mountain or on one of the numerous levels of cell city structure skyscraper - have all services conviniently ordered through your App and delivered by drones or helicopters.
Now you don't even have to bother about garbage recycling even if you live in the middle of a forest. Use you App subscription and have your garbage gathered by a special team.
And if you wish to order pizza while resting in your cell somewhere in the middle of a desert - don't hesitate - our drones will bring it even to the end of the world.

Moving around the world
Moving around the city
Moving around the building
Who are we
Nadezhda Gerasimova
Founder & Architect
I was among the finalists in the Future Architecture Open Call, organized by Future Architecture and Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design with my small conceptual project #uberarchitecture about personal mobility.

Though I didn't win, it was a great experience, lot of fun and chance to try pecha-kucha style of presentation.

I'm an Architect and Mom of a wonderful son. During my studies and work I took part in more than 10 urban design and architecture workshops and 8 major architectural competitions, some of which brought first places. I have worked in one of the European architectural companies (Semren & Månsson), as well as in the best russian company (KB Strelka). My interests are- participatory design, landscape design, research of the urban environment, design of the urban environment, urban gardening.

SPbSUACE, Architect, 2013

Work experience: 4,5 года

Skills: Revit, ArchiCAD, Sketch-Up, AutoCAD, Q-GIS, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Rhino

English (Advanced), German ( Basic)

Site: http://cargocollective.com/oneAandAHalfArchitect

Contact us:
We appreciate any cooments/ advice/ suggestions

+7 921 922 60 16
Moscow, St. Petersburg
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